Sunday, March 27, 2011

Capricious Kids

Teresa trying to manage doe work!

We are definitely in the throes of springtime farm chores!  From new kids in the barn and broiler chicks in the shed to sheep shearing and respites under the cherry tree we are busy as bees and LOVING it!

We have welcomed new baby goats to the front pasture and we are all having a fantastic, if somewhat capricious, time! The youngest kids are just about to be weaned and are thriving. There really is nothing like a kid goat climbing all around (and over) you. They are curious and fun-loving and usually very happy to see you.
Spring Beauty

The cutest thing I have seen in the goat pasture happened when all the Folsom Farms grandkids were in the pasture, not for the goats but for their own pleasure. They were very busy building a new “house”, out of the various trees reduced to debris by storms, and completely unaware that they had an audience with the goat kids. No sooner had the human kids planted their flag and marched proudly across their new bridge than all the goat kids followed in what seemed to them a pastoral game of follow the leader! It was wonderful! All the kids, and adults, had a big laugh.

Our Cherry Tree

I simply love spring. It always brings a bounty of beauty to the farm as the grass greens, the blossoms emerge and all of the baby animals arrive. It seems like everybody is in a good mood and talking about their gardens and excited about the potential of the coming season of growth.